
Showing posts from September, 2021

reflection september 30

 Today was actually a chill day. All we did was listen to the other groups present their projects and answer questions. Today overall it was a good day .

reflection september 29

 Today we presented our part. The assignment wasn't hard at all. All we really had to do was read our section of the book and do the assignment he gave us. My group and I got a 98 on it .

Reflection september 28

 Today we did a group assignment. We all had different assignments and tomorrow we have to present. Since i didn't't finish my part in class i finish it for homework .

reflection september 27

 Today was my first day back. We read the color purple, so far it is a good book and i ready to read more. We wrote notes and after everything we answered questions about the passage .

reflection september 24

 Today was the best day this week. I still couldn't't go anywhere but i felt a lot better. I watched movies and completed my work. That was really it nothing special happened .

Reflection september 23

 Today i stayed at home again. It was a better day today my mood was good. I watched movies and stayed in bed again today. I also feel better today i think my cold is going away .

Reflection september 22

 Today was a bad day for me. I didn't really feel my best but i got through the day. I watched movies all day and stayed in my bed. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

Reflection September 21

 Today I didn't go to school. All I did was stay in bed and go to the doctor. I wasn't at the doctor for too long I just had to go get me a covid test. My overall mood for today is bad and it wasn't my best day.

Reflection september 20

 Today we did a bell ringer like any other day and we read two poems. The poems were called "I'm Nobody! Who are you?" and "Heart, we will forget him". We determined the themes of the poems and we made real life connections. 

reflection september 10

 Today was worst then yesterday. We had to write this long essay. The essay took forever but after we got done we got to chill .

reflection september 9

 Today was not my favorite because we had to take this long test that lasted the whole period . The test was kinda hard .

reflection september 8

 Today was the same as yesterday. We reviewed what the teacher taught us on tuesday and our teacher told us we had to take a test on thursday and friday 

reflection september 7

 Today was cool nothing much really happened. Our teacher taught us and that was pretty much it

reflection august 31

 Today we presented our origin myth. We went around the whole class and everyone read their stories. I loved everyone's story they were so unique 

reflection august 30

 today was chill. I don't really remember all the stuff that we did. I know we didn't do much though